Responsible Gambling

As fun as sports betting can be, everyone should go into it knowing the risks. Gambling of any kind is a high-risk activity. When you combine that with the passion of sports, things can get out of hand very quickly if you are not paying attention to how you participate. This is why using responsible gambling practices is so important. 

Here are some tips to help you keep your gambling under control and some resources for you to get help if you need it. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the responsible gambling resources before you start gambling so that you know what is available.

Recognizing a gambling problem

The first step to solving a compulsive gambling problem is identifying whether you have one. This is easier said than done. If you find yourself wondering whether you may have a problem, you should ask yourself some tough questions. 

Do you have a system?

If you want to practice responsible gambling, you should have some sort of system. Whether it’s having a bankroll management system or simply setting limits for yourself and sticking to them, you should have something in place to help you keep your sports betting in control. 

Creating a system is simply one of the many steps you can take to be a responsible gambler. Without a system, you may be more at risk of developing poor responsible gambling practices. 

Can you stop?

The biggest sign that you may have a problem is if your sports betting has gotten out of your control. This is maybe the hardest question to ask yourself because many people do not want to admit when they are out of control. 

If you are doubting yourself, try to step away. Some people call this the “prove-it” test. Step away and prove to yourself that you don’t have a problem. While away, you should take a good look at your sports betting practices and identify if this is an issue in your life.

If you cannot resist the urge to come back and place a bet, you likely have a problem and should strongly consider changing your sports betting practices and getting help. 

Other considerations

If you are still struggling to find out where you stand, consider the following behaviors, traits, and activities that are common among compulsive gamblers:

  • Lack of control
  • Constant urge to bet more, whether they are winning or losing
  • Frequently placing bets with little-to-no research or conviction
  • Repeated broken promises to stop gambling
  • Neglecting personal and professional responsibilities to gamble
  • Mood swings

Good responsible gambling practices

No matter how confident you are that you won’t get addicted, anyone can become a compulsive gambler. Knowing the risk is an important step to avoiding this fate. Another step you can take is affirmatively committing yourself to responsible gambling practices.

Some of the most successful responsible gambling practices include:

  • Developing a system
  • Setting limits and sticking to them
  • Keeping records and monitoring your spending
  • Doing your research before placing a bet
  • Not betting more than you are willing to lose
  • Knowing when to get help

If you feel you are at risk, but don’t know where to start, you can go to your sportsbook and set limits on your account. Most sports betting sites will allow you to set deposit and betting limits. You also will be able to self-exclude yourself from betting for a certain period of time. 

Getting help for Gambling Addiction

If you have reached the point where you think your gambling might be a problem and want to get help, there are many resources available. Here are some of the best and more useful responsible gambling resources in the US and Canada. 

USA Resources

Sports betting is legal in over 30 states in the US. Each state will have its own local resources. We recommend you look into those resources in addition to the national resources we have listed below. 

Gamblers Anonymous

Gamblers Anonymous is one of the most well-known organizations combating compulsive gambling addiction in North America. Gamblers Anonymous works with groups of men and women and encourages them to share their experiences with each other. The ultimate goal of these programs is to promote accountability and growing together.

National Council on Problem Gaming

The National Council on Problem Gaming exists to assist gamblers, their families, and local organizations to combat the effects of compulsive gambling. The NCPG regularly holds programs, seminars, and offers resources to help problem gamblers. 

National Center for Responsible Gaming

The National Center for Responsible Gaming is a leading research organization dedicated to understanding compulsive gambling. The organization also provides many resources to anyone seeking help. 

Canadian Gambling Addiciton Resources

Sports betting is legal in some way in every Canadian province. We recommend you research provincial resources in addition to the national ones we have listed below. 

Canadian Partnership for Responsible Gaming

The Canadian Partnership for Responsible Gaming is a network of local non-profit organizations, research groups, federal and local regulators, and gambling institutions. The network’s website has numerous resources as well as ways for you to connect to local organizations. 

Responsible Gambling Council

The Responsible Gambling Council is an organization focused on addressing the risk of gambling addiction. The group has resources for young people and adults as well as connections to local hospitals and help centers all throughout Canada. 

Gamblers Anonymous

Gamblers Anonymous is one of the most well-known organizations combating compulsive gambling addiction in North America. Gamblers Anonymous works with groups of men and women and encourages them to share their experiences with each other. The ultimate goal of these programs is to promote accountability and growing together.